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The Issues


Strong Public Education

As your representative, I will fight for our public schools kids, teachers, and systems. Our state needs to provide our children and future generations with every educational opportunity through investing in our AEA’s and our public schools. Our state has continuously underfunded public schools and public school kids - and we are seeing those effects every day. It is time to right that wrong and make public education the priority again in our state. As a mom and your state representative, I will fight for access to an excellent and equitable education for all Iowa kids. 

Reproductive Freedom

I had my kids when I was 22 and I am so proud to be a mom. But I can't image what that process would have been like if politicians like my opponent were in my doctor's office, policing my health and my decisions. I know that politicians shouldn't be involved in the intimate and complicated decisions that families have to make. My opponent voted for the extreme 6-week abortion ban in Iowa and also voted down protections for health of the mother and for children under the age of 12. This is out of touch with what our community believes and is not reflective of the people he represents.

Affordable & Accessible Healthcare

As a healthcare worker and mom, I know how hard it is to get a pediatric appointment, how long I have to wait for an OB-GYN appointment, and how high the costs are at the end of the wait. As your representative, I will always fight for affordable and accessible healthcare opportunities for all Iowans. We need to support our community in living long and happy lives, and its about time our state puts their money where their mouth is. Let's invest in our community.Let's invest in our future, our kids futures, and the future of our state. 

Lower Costs &
Higher Wages

I know what it's like to struggle with money and not be sure how I am going to make ends meet. As a young mom, there were days when I didn't eat so everything that we had, would go to ensuring my kids were happy and healthy. I know what it is like to navigate the complicated systems that we have in place to support struggling families. Working families shouldn't have to struggle like that. We need to raise wages for hardworking Iowans to be able to comfortably raise their families without worry about the next paycheck. We also need to lower costs for Iowans. We need to make things like healthcare, childcare, and higher education more accessible for Iowa families.

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